Healing Packages & Services
Nutritional Consultations with Certified Nutritional Practitioner Cindy Tomblin
- assessment of your health history, concerns and symptoms - have your personal nutritional needs as an individual be heard - learn daily practices to promote health and wellness - discus food choices, eating habits and supplements - set realistic, attainable goals | Stress-Less Package = intake + 3 follow up meetings
- assessment of your health history, concerns and symptoms - have your personal nutritional needs as an individual be heard - learn daily practices to promote health and wellness - discus food choices, eating habits and supplements - set realistic, attainable goals | Stress-Less Package = intake + 3 follow up meetings
Bach Flower Remedies Personalized Combos
a custom flower essence blend for your unique needs Bach Flower Pick Up $20 A pick up is a quick appointment in person because you have already selected your Bach Flowers on your own and all you need Cindy to do is mix your 25ml remedy blend. There are many methods for choosing the right Bach Flowers, you may want to work on the Quick Guide or Full Questionnaire. Up to 7 different flower essences can be used in one blend, RESCUE REMEDY is a combo of 5 Bach Flowers but counts as one flower essence in a blend. Please send Cindy your selection of Bach Flowers the day before your pick up appointment. Alternately, your Blend will be shipped within 48hrs of receiving payment A pick up is perfect for the more experienced or very confident Bach Flower user. If you are not sure which flowers you need, consider a Bach Flower meeting or full session. Bach Flower Meeting $35 A meeting is 15 minutes where you and Cindy work together to determine the best combo of Bach Flowers for you at the time and you take home a 25ml remedy blend. You have the option to work on the Quick Guide or Full Questionnaire beforehand, or just come to the meeting and have Cindy select your combo. Your meeting together will be spent with you doing most of the talking - Cindy listens to what you say and how you say it. She asks a few clarifying questions and explains your Bach Flowers. A meeting is perfect as a follow up to a full session - you will take home a refill or new blend. Also great for someone already familiar with the Bach Flowers or for anyone who just wants to try Bach Flowers. Bach Flower Full Session $60 A full session is 45 minutes where we discuss more in depth your concerns, goals, and action plan for total health and holistic healing. Other wellness solutions may be introduced alongside the Bach Flowers. A full session is an extended meeting: you and Cindy work together to determine the best combo of Bach Flowers for you at the time and you take home a 25ml remedy blend - plus a free gift. You have the option to work on the Quick Guide or Full Questionnaire beforehand, or just come to the meeting and have Cindy select your combo. Your session together will be spent with you doing most of the talking - Cindy listens to what you say and how you say it. She asks a few clarifying questions and explains your Bach Flowers. A full session is perfect for the first time Bach Flower User, or for anyone who is looking to get to the emotional and energetic roots of their problems, very valuable process for anyone already on a healing journey. A meeting is recommended as a follow up 2-4 weeks after a full session. |
For guidance on choosing and using Bach Flowers go to CinderRemedies.com
Check out CinderRemedies Bach Flower Blends by Cindy Tomblin |